Quality inpection with XEIDANA®

Automated quality inspection is becoming increasingly important in industry. However, the implementation of algorithms for the analysis of sensor data and the determination of quality-relevant characteristics that are suitable for automatic evaluation often require an immense amount of time. The Xeidana® software provides the user with a complete solution package that covers all tasks from data acquisition to automated quality control and thus helps to increase efficiency.

Xeidana® combines the following features:

  • Sensor fusion by combining different or redundant sensor systems
  • Modular design and the possibility of adding new functionalities through plug-ins
  • Data analysis with the aid of structure-checking and structure-discovering methods
  • Parallel data processing optimized for multi-core processors
  • Interoperability - functionality implemented with Xeidana® can be transferred to other software systems
  • Automation of quality monitoring processes and implementation of quality control loops possible
© Fraunhofer IWU
Setup for live image analysis of deep-drawn components using Xeidana®